Dalia Omar



Abdominal Series (suitable for postpartum)

This Ab Series works your whole core, getting to the deepest abdominal muscles, the transverse abdominis, that are usually not reached with the regular crunches. They are very suitable for postpartum moms to heal their abdominal separation and get their tummy back into shape.

Barre Workout

A very effective workout for your lower body. It works your whole leg as well as your glutes and will help you keep a good posture!


Zumba: Salsa

Salsa, beautifully made into a workout that you will truly enjoy !

Zumba: Reggeaton

Dance along this Latin Reggaeton song and sweat it out. The beat and lyrics will keep you moving with a smile on your face.

Zumba: Soca

A fun Caribbean upbeat song that will get your heart beating right away!